Over the years, Blackhawk has worked with and supported other groups to help us meet our railroad preservation goals.
Just as a terminal railroad provides numerous connections between other railroads, we present this list of organizations and places of interest in our service area. Using our historic Joliet/Lockport, Illinois base as a center-point, we have selected attractions fall within a 300 mile radius of our home, easily within a day's travel there and back. A few can be reached by public transportation. |
Railroad History PartnersLinks to the numerous organizations and groups chronicling our area's fascinating railroad history.
Local AttractionsLocal parks, restaurants, lodging, model and garden railroads and other attractions with a railroad theme.
Museums & Tourist RailroadsLinks to information the many different railroad museums located throughout the Midwest.
Steam LocomotivesA guide to the steam locomotives in our area not in railroad museums, both operating and being restored.
Today's RailroadsInformation about the freight and passenger railroads currently serving Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana.
Santa TrainsOur listing of Santa, Christmas, North Pole Holiday trains in and around the Midwest.