Blackhawk has partnered with numerous other organizations in our efforts to study and preserve our area's railroad history, along with advocacy for railroading's future. Here are links to some of our partners:
Blackhawk Railway Historical Society Facebook Page Our Facebook page, bringing you information on interesting historical and current railroad news and events, along with Blackhawk meetings and swap meets. |
National Railway Historical Society
The NRHS supports train, railway and station preservation with a variety of programs, including: Heritage Grants for preservation projects, photo and film archives, events (including an annual National Convention), Rail Camp for high school students, publishing, and more. |
Other NRHS chapters that we exchange information or have recently worked with include:
Chicago Area Railroad Historians A Facebook group dedicated to the railroad history of the City of Chicago and its immediate environs. |
Chicago Junction Radio Show
A monthly 1-hour radio program produced at the studios of the Windy City Hometown Entertainment Network featuring a round table discussion of all aspects of railroading and modeling. Programs can be heard on Jack FM 89.7 WRHS FM Norridge and podcasts of all shows can be found at the Windy City Hometown Entertainment Network website. |
Industrial Strength Photography Blackhawk officer Dave Daruszka's photography is on the built environment, transportation and the vanishing industrial landscape. |
Center for Railroad Photography & Art
The Center's purpose is to inform “the public about railroad photography and art through education, research and public service programs.” The Center selectively collects high-quality photographs and works of art related to railroading and railroad workers and hosts exhibitions, monthly Zoom presentations, a YouTube channel, and an annual conference. |
Central Electric Railfans' Association One of the nation's premier railfan organizations, hosting regular programs and events about electric railroading (both past and present). |
Chicago History Museum
Caretakers of millions of authentic pieces of Chicago history, including several displays about Chicago's railroad history. |
Decay Devils Northwest Indiana preservation group restoring Gary Union Station and EJ&E 765 on display nearby. |
The EJ&E Archive
Not an organization, but a fan site full of information on one of our favorite local "fallen flag" railroads, the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern. |
Environmental Law & Policy Center
ELPC is advocating for a better network of trains across the Midwest, to ease congestion, maximize land use, and improve mobility, while reducing our impact on the environment. |
The Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society, Inc. FWRHS is an award-winning, non-profit corporation that became the first all-volunteer, non-profit organization to successfully restore and operate a steam locomotive, Nickel Plate #765. The FWRHS hosts passenger train excursions, private charters, public exhibitions, and education outreach activities with the 765 and a variety of other vintage railroad equipment throughout the Midwest, along with holding regular work sessions and open houses at its restoration facility in New Haven, Indiana during the year. |
The "470" Railroad Club
Based in Portland, Maine, the "470" Railroad Club was established in 1954 to commemorate the last run of a steam locomotive, No. 470, in passenger service on the Maine Central Railroad. The club owns and maintains a collection of historic locomotives and cars which are used at the Conway Scenic Railroad in North Conway, New Hampshire. |
Illinois Traction Society A non-profit organization striving to preserve the history of the Illinois Traction System and Illinois Terminal Railroad for historians, modelers, and the railfans of today and tomorrow. |
Illinois Railway Museum's Libraries and Archives In addition to the largest equipment collection in the Western Hemisphere, IRM maintains three libraries: Pullman Library, the Strahorn Library, and the CTA Historic Archive. |
Historic Pullman Foundation The Foundation is committed to telling the stories of Pullman’s past—of industrial innovation, immigration, labor rights, social justice, urban planning, and preservation—all while creating a new forward-looking story. |
Joliet Area Historical Museum From the former Ottawa Street Methodist Church in downtown Joliet, the museum's main exhibition gallery serves as an introduction to the many stories of the Joliet area and its people with exhibits enhanced by state-of-the-art audio-visual presentations, life-size models, award-winning touch screen visuals. The Joliet Area Historical Museum has come into existence from efforts of the City of Joliet, the Joliet Area Historical Society, Joliet Junior College and Joliet citizens. In 2024, the Joliet Area Historical Museum, along with the City of Joliet, opened the Joliet Railroad Museum, set in historic UD Tower. |
Lake States Railway Historical Association
The LSRHA a non-profit organization with an archive facility located in Wisconsin that continues to expand efforts to preserve and provide access to its unique railway history collections. |
Midwest Rail Rangers A non-profit organization presenting onboard educational programs across the Upper Midwest. |
Norfolk and Western Business Car 300 Preservation Society Inc. Nonprofit organization wholly dedicated to the preservation and operation of Norfolk and Western Business Car 300. Built by Pullman in1917 and modernized by the Roanoke Shops in 1955, 300 was deemed surplus and sold at auction in 1987. After being rebuilt to Amtrak standards in 1988, it was placed into warehouse storage in 1991 and sat undisturbed until being pulled out of the warehouse in 2020 and beginning a new career. |
Pullman National Historic Park
The park tells the story of one of the first planned industrial communities in the United States, the sleeping car magnate who helped create it, and the workers who lived there. The district is significant for its influence on urban planning and design, as well as its role in American labor history, including the 1894 Pullman Strike and Boycott. |
Rail Passengers Association
Working for more frequencies on existing routes and adding new routes, as well as acting as a voice for Amtrak, commuter and transit passengers. |
Railroad Station Historical Society To encourage the preservation and growth of historical knowledge of railroad stations/depots and other railroad/railway structures worldwide. |
Railway Mail Service Library Foundation Foundation was founded in 2017 as a nonprofit and is dedicated to the preservation of the Railway Mail Service Library (RMSL) collection. |
Russell Fierce's Chicago RR Shows
Railroad Collectables & Model Train Show and Sales held at the Kane County Fairgrounds in St. Charles, Illinois |
Seneca Historical Guild Honoring the railroad's contribution to the town's history by rebuilding their 1912 Rock Island depot and recently acquiring a Rock Island caboose. |
Shore Line Interurban Historical Society Dedicated to covering the extensive history of Chicago's interurbans, streetcar lines, elevated railways and commuter railroads. |
South Shore Conventions & Visitors Authority The South Shore CVA is a sales and marketing organization that leads the hospitality industry and aids its partners through the development and support of attractions throughout the region. As part of their publicity efforts, they sell South Shore Line Posters based on reproductions of the originals (as pictured to the left,) and new posters by Mitch Markovitz. |
Wabash Railroad Historical Society Dedicated to preserving memories of the Wabash Railroad, which one time served the preserved Symerton Depot. |
Will County Historical Society Located in Lockport, Illinois and our partner in preserving the Symerton Depot. |